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Location Area & Highlights

The Beltline is a neighborhood in transition that has experienced many exciting redevelopments in its movement towards gentrification. The Haiku Building is currently home to the popular Commonwealth Night Club, as well as destination retailers Speed Theory and Rogue. In the coming year, Haiku will be welcoming a gastro-pub concept from one of Calgary’s most notable and premiere restaurant divisions. The Beltline is a shopping and entertainment destination for locals and visitors alike with the Haiku building at its heart. 

Development Highlights

Completely renovated 20,829 square feet of leasable area, which included new mechanical, HVAC, electrical as well as new envelope and windows. Upon completion of the renovations, ASI had leased 100% of the building. Zoning and land use has been secured for a future high density mixed use development, though no plans are currently in place for a new development.

Asset Value: $10,700,000

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