The winning candidate will receive the following benefits:
Finance; the fund will fully finance all tuition and books to the recipient for his/her undergraduate degree or otherwise approved postsecondary program.
The recipient will have formal access 3 times per year to the Board of Advisors and the individual advisor who has been assigned to mentor the student.
The recipient will receive a formal reference from the ASF Board of Advisors once they have successfully completed the scholarship program and begin to seek out their career path.
The student receiving this award will need to meet the following requirements:
Prior to the university school year, the recipient will announce their major and indicate their courses for the year forward with their stated end result announced.
The student will present their grades and report after each session to the BOA for review and feedback.
The student must achieve a minimum GPA in each individual year the funds are granted, which will be mutually agreed to by the recipient and the ASFS Board.
In the event that the student does not meet all three of the criteria above the recipient will immediately be placed on probation to ensure that the student gets back on track and overcomes whatever hurdle that has caused them to waiver in their commitment to themselves and the Foundation.
Any reinstatement will be at the sole discretion of the ASF BOA and will be agreed to by the majority of the Board. After the successful completion of the program each award recipient will complete a term on the Board of Advisors.